15201) Aldous Huxley - Eyeless in Gaza -Penguin-1955 => 42 Lei
15202) Robert Chartham - S is for Sex -Corgi-1972 => 44 Lei
15203) Tony Britton - Macbeth -Fagbamigbe-1977 => 44.5 Lei
15204) Adrien Stoutenburg and Laura N. Baker - Freud,Explorer of the unconscious -RWW-1967 => 51 Lei
15205) J.B. Alter - Practical English Dictionary -Times Education-1977 => 47.5 Lei
15206) J.H. Elgood - Birds Of The West African Town and Garden -Longman-1979 => 44 Lei
15207) Tom McArthur and Beryl Atkins - Dictionary Of English Phrasal Verbs And their Idioms -Collins-1976 => 44.5 Lei
15208) Aldous Huxley - The Human Situation -Panther-1980 => 43 Lei
15209) Thomas Hardy - The Return Of The Native -Pan-1974 => 44 Lei
15210) Albert Ellis and Edward Sagarin - Nymphomania,A study of the oversexed woman -Mayflower-1973 => 38 Lei
15211) Ladislas Farago - Aftermath,Martin Bormann and The fourth reich -Pan-1976 => 45.5 Lei
15212) Christopher Isherwood - Exhumations -Penguin-1969 => 43.5 Lei
15213) Richard Jones - The New Psychology Of Dreaming -Pelican-1978 => 44 Lei
15214) Ronald Segal - The Race War -Penguin-1967 => 43 Lei
15215)   - A Dictionary Of Politics -Pan-1973 => 50 Lei
15216) Michael Allaby - Inventing Tomorrow -Abacus-1977 => 46 Lei
15217) Charles Fenn - Leaders Of Modern Thought HO CHI MINH -CSS-1973 => 44 Lei
15218) E. Franklin Frazier - Black Bourgeoisie -Collier-1962 => 42 Lei
15219) Michael Schofield - The Strange Case Of Pot -Penguin-1971 => 42 Lei
15220) Henry Miller - Sexus- The rosy crucifixion -Panther-1971 => 44.5 Lei
15221) Frank Mankiewicz - Nixon's Road To Watergate -Hutchinson-1973 => 50 Lei
15222) Arthur R. Miller - The Assault On Privacy -Signet-1972 => 43 Lei
15223) Frederick T. Wood - English Preposition Idiom -Macmillan-1969 => 47 Lei
15224) Neil Solomon and Sally Sheppard - The Truth About Weight Control -Pan-1971 => 45.5 Lei
15225) Gillian Lockwood - Making Clothes For Young Children -Studio Vista-1969 => 41 Lei
15226) Sydney Anglo - Machiavelli -Palladin-1971 => 45.5 Lei
15227) Gunter Grass - Dog Years -Penguin-1969 => 44 Lei
15228) William Shkespeare - Henry V -Longmans-1963 => 45.5 Lei
15229) Yvonne Lubbock - The Future of Catholic Christianity -Penguin-1968 => 43.5 Lei
15230) William Shakespeare - Julius Ceasar -Longman-1959 => 45 Lei
15231) Bernard Shaw - Back To Methuselah -Penguin-1954 => 43 Lei
15232) Lovat Dickson - H.G.Wells, His Turbulent Life and Times -Penguin-1972 => 44 Lei
15233) Emile Zola - Drunkard -Arrow-1968 => 43 Lei
15234) H.G. Wells - The Shape Of Things To Come -Corgi-1967 => 45 Lei
15235) Ben Johnson - The Alchemist -Cambridge-1963 => 43 Lei
15236)   - Tolstoy's Writings On Civil Disobedience And Non-violence -Signet-1968 => 45 Lei
15237) Simone de Beauvoir - Old Age -Penguin-1977 => 44 Lei
15238) A.J.P Taylor - The Origins of the second world war -Penguin-1963 => 44.5 Lei
15239) Lynn Barber - The Penthouse Sexindex -Bantam-1975 => 45 Lei
15240) Gordon Bourne - Pregnancy -Pan-1975 => 38 Lei
15241) Mariana Ratiu - English Reader -Didactica si Pedagogica-1971 => 34.5 Lei
15242) E.Personne,M.ballot si G. Marc - Histoire de France et Initiation a l'histoire de la civilisation -Armand Colin-1964 => 45 Lei
15243) Georges Duhamel - Le Club des lyonnais -Mercvre de france-1929 => 50 Lei
15244) Jules Verne - Voyage au centre de la terre -Rus-1961 => 39.5 Lei
15245) Leon Uris - Trinite I. la jeunesse de conor -Jai lu-1977 => 39.5 Lei
15246)   - Hungarian Realities in Romania -Panopticum-1980 => 41 Lei
15247)   - L'Assitance Sociale En Roumanie -MOIS-1938 => 48.5 Lei
15248)   - Petroleo-Gases Naturales- Petroquimica en Rumania -Impreso-1964 => 46 Lei
15249)   - Pathologie Medicale (Tome 1) -Masson-1937 => 48 Lei
15250) Jean Jaques Brochier - Villa Marguerite -J ai lu-1983 => 39 Lei
15251) Luis De Gongora y Aragote - Polifem si Galateea ed. bilingva romana si spaniola -Univers-1982 => 47 Lei
15252) Hilde Angarowa si A. Beljukin - Marchen von der bernsteinkuste -VP-1974 => 49 Lei
15253)  J.Kugler si V. - Benzodiazepine in der Neurologie - Symposion Mannheim -Roche-1986 => 50 Lei
15254) Edward Speedling - Heart Attack - Family response at home and in the hospital -Tavistock-1982 => 44 Lei
15255) M.M. Kaye - Palast der winde -Wolfgang Kruger-1978 => 50 Lei
15256) Gaston Cherau - L' Egaree Sur La Route -JF-1927 => 51 Lei
15257) Donald Davies and John Reid - Central action of drugs in blood pressure regulation -Pitman-1975 => 47 Lei
15258) C.L. Hewer si R.S. Atkinson - Recent advances in anaesthesia and analgesia -Churchhill Livingstone-1976 => 47 Lei
15259) A.Fournier, R.Haiat, G.Lagrue si C. Buisson - La Depletion Potassique -MSD-1975 => 47 Lei
15260) J.Herhahn,H.Djonlagic si H. Iven - Intensivmedizinische Arzneimitteltherapie -Marseille Verlag-1989 => 47 Lei
15261) J.Watkins si A.Milford Ward - Adverse Response to Intravenous Drugs -Academic Press-1978 => 47 Lei
15262) William A.R. Thomson - Calling the laboratory -Churchill Livingstone-1971 => 45.5 Lei
15263) Robert Fragen - Drug Infusions in Anesthesiology -Raven-1991 => 45 Lei
15264)   - Humor in deutscher sprache -Stiintifica si Enciclopedica-1967 => 43 Lei
15265) Sonja Palty - Jenseits des dnjestr -Hartung-Gorre-1995 => 45 Lei
15266) Margit Barfeld-Feller - Dennoch Mensch Geblieben (von Czernowitz durch sibirien nach israel 1923-1996) -Hartung-Gorre-1996 => 45 Lei
15267) Dietrich Korsch - Martin Luther zur Einfuhrung -Junius- => 43 Lei
15268) J.Piasecki, F.Kaczmarczyk, Z. Konieczny si J. Kawecka - Vadecum -Polfa- => 44 Lei
15269) M.D. Vickers - European Journal Of Anaesthesiology -Blackwell-1988 => 45 Lei
15270) Gardell  - Fru Bjorks Oden Och Aventyr -Pan-1992 => 45 Lei
15271) Georg Henrik Von Wright Wright - Humanismen som livshallning -ManPocket-1990 => 39.5 Lei
15272) John Godey - Ormen -NA- => 39.5 Lei
15273) Michele Stegman - Onde Makter -Fredhois Forlag-1993 => 40 Lei
15274) Eyvind Johnson - Nattovning -Enbok-1989 => 43 Lei
15275) Brett Mckinley - Revolverns lag -WB-1977 => 42 Lei
15276) Wilder Thymian - Rosamunde Pilcher -Rowolt-1993 => 44 Lei
15277) WINSTON Graham - DE FYRA SVANARNA -NS-1981 => 45 Lei
15278) Barbara Cartland - Dalens Hemlighet -Winther-1976 => 41 Lei
15279) J.H. Green - Basic Clinical Physiology -Oxford-1973 => 49 Lei
15280) Jerrold H. Levy - Anaphylactic Reactions in Anesthesia and Intensive Care -Butterworth-1986 => 53 Lei
15281) Adela Popescu - Entre-Nous, Le Temps -Saint-Germain-1975 => 41 Lei
15282) E.Ceanga,C.Nichita,L.Protin si N.A. Cutululis - Theorie de la commande des systemes -Tehnica-2001 => 51.5 Lei
15283) Gh Ed. Benga - Biomembranes - Basic and medical research -Springer Varlag- => 57 Lei
15284) Siemens . - J-Sammelliste 1939 - Installation Material -Siemen-Schuckertwerke- => 50 Lei
15285) Edward P. Von Der Porten - The German Navy in World War Two -Ballantine-1969 => 40 Lei
15286) LARIVE ET FLEURY - La deuxieme annee de Grammaire -Armand colin-1926 => 50 Lei
15287)   - Humour in English -Stiintifica-1964 => 43 Lei
15288) Eduard Klein - Az Indian (Vol.1 + 2) -Mora Ferenc-1963 => 41 Lei
15289) Jorge Amado - A ven tengeresz -Europa Konyvkiado-1963 => 41 Lei
15290) Paul F. Zweifel - Reactor Physics -Mcgraw Hill-1973 => 50 Lei
15291) Mitchell Wilson - Live with lightning -Didactica si pedagogica-1966 => 39 Lei
15292) Aurel Mihale - Utak es sorsok -Ifjusagi- => 45 Lei
15293) E.S. Gardner - A muveszi csapda esete -Albatrosz- => 39 Lei
15294) Makkai Sandor - Ordogszeker -Kriterion-1979 => 40 Lei
15295) Botond Bolics Gyorgy - Ezer ev a venuszon -Nora Ferenc-1962 => 40 Lei
15296) Fodor Sandor - Egy nap- Egy Elet -Kriterion-1976 => 42 Lei
15297) Jane Austen - Buszkeseg es balitelet -Kriterion-1988 => 42 Lei
15298) Elteto Jozsef - Tortenet egy feher lorol kisregeny -Kriterion-1979 => 43 Lei
15299) Hermann Broch - A Kiserto -Kriterion-1973 => 43 Lei
15300) Jules Verne - A Barsac-expedicio kulonos tortenete -Kriterion-1978 => 43 Lei
15301) Daniel Keyes - Viragot Algernonnak -Kriterion-1979 => 43.5 Lei
15302)   - A survey of english literatures from beowulf to jane austen -Romania de maine-2000 => 41 Lei
15303) Leo Schamroth - The Disorders Of Cardiac Rhythm (Vol.1+2) -Blackwell Scientific-1980 => 110 Lei
15304) C.L.M Baer, B. Williams - Clinical Pharmacology and Nursing Management -Springhouse Corporation-1992 => 53 Lei
15305) Florin Ionescu - Exercices D Electronique de puissance -Tehnica-2001 => 45 Lei
15306) Paul Biedermann - Vibromassage electrique - Principe et directives pour l'utilisation pratique des appareils electro-vibratoires -Aesculap-1960 => 43 Lei
15307) Fritz Kahn - A szerelem iskolaja -Konyvkiado-1984 => 43.5 Lei
15308) Dobruca Masallan - Tepegoz -Kriterion-1985 => 44 Lei
15309)   - American Journal of Ophthalmology (Vol.105) -AJO-1988 => 52 Lei
15310) O. Isaksson, C. Binder, K. Hall si B. Hokfelt - Growth Hormone - Basic Clinical Aspects -Excerpta Medica-1987 => 44.5 Lei
15311)   - Jubilaumsausgabe Internet -xxx- => 52 Lei
15312)   - Jubilaumsausgabe Internet -xxx- => 52 Lei
15313)   - Jubilaumsausgabe Internet -xxx- => 52 Lei
15314) W. Collins - A Hold Gyemant -xxx-1967 => 39.5 Lei
15315) Alexandre Dumas - A kiralyne Lovagja (Vol.1+2) -EK-1973 => 84.5 Lei
15316)   - Kerdesek es felelete Szuloknek -xxx- => 38 Lei
15317) Dallos Sandor - Fujt a szel -SK- => 40 Lei
15318) Theodor Bovet - Felette Nagy Titok -Evangeliumi Iratmisszio- => 41.5 Lei
15319) Kolozsvari Grandpierre Emil - Nok aproban -Magveto Zsebkonyvtar- => 40 Lei
15320) Szeretni Tehozzad - Szegodtem -Kriterion-1973 => 45 Lei
15321) Rejto Jeno - Vesztegzar a grand hotelban -Ifjusagi-1967 => 40 Lei
15322) James F. Boland - Nuclear Reactor Instrumentation (In -Core) -Gordon and Breach-1970 => 55 Lei
15323) T. Wilder - A teremtes nyolcadik napja -Kriterion-1978 => 43.5 Lei
15324) M. Erik - Utravalo -EK- => 38 Lei
15325) Fanus Neagu - Es kialtolt az angyal -Kriterion-1988 => 44 Lei
15326) Laurentiu Fulga - Bizarr Mennyorszag -Kriterion-1979 => 44 Lei
15327) Lion Feuchtwanger - A Csunya hercegno -Kriterion-1978 => 45 Lei
15328) Honore de Balzac - Elveszett Illuziok -Kriterion-1978 => 43.5 Lei
15329) Nagy Borbala - Trojai Kasszandre -EK-1979 => 45 Lei
15330) Fekete Istvan - Tuskevar -Kriterion-1988 => 43.5 Lei
15331)   - Militirisches Studienglossar Englisch Teil I (Military Studies) -Bundessprachenamt-1996 => 45 Lei
15332)   - Militirisches Studienglossar Englisch Teil II-III (Military Studies) -Bundessprachenamt-1996 => 45 Lei
15333) . Rashomon - Ryunosuke Akutaguwa -Pentru Literatura Universala-1968 => 44 Lei
15334) Iulia Hasdeu si Gabriela Sarbu - Parlons Francais -Stiintifica si Enciclopedica-1983 => 59.5 Lei
15335) Philippe See - Consultaire de pathologie medicale - 100 diagnostics - 100 Traitements -Maloine-1978 => 60 Lei
15336) Charles W. Kegley and Eugene R. Wittkopf - The Nuclear Reader (Strategy-Weapons-War) -Palgrave Macmillan-1985 => 45 Lei
15337) Joel S. Karliner - Coronary Care (Vol.1+2) -Churchill Livingstone-1981 => 75 Lei
15338) Gordon A. Ewy - Cardiovascular Drugs and The Management Of Heart Disease -Raven Press-1982 => 60 Lei
15339) Charles K. Friedberg - Diseases of the heart -W.B. Saunders-1966 => 57 Lei
15340)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine V -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15341)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine VII -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15342)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine III -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15343)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine VI -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15344)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine II -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15345)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine IV -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15346)   - Cecil Textbook of Medicine I -W.B. Saunders-1982 => 70 Lei
15347)   - Renkler -Kriterion-1989 => 28.5 Lei
15348) Valentin Lipatti - Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle Francais -Didactica si pedagogica-1976 => 43 Lei
15349) Vajnovszki Kazmer - Kiserto Ejszaka -Kriterion-1977 => 43 Lei
15350) A. Ciobanu - Cooling technology in the food industry -Abacus Press-1976 => 60 Lei
15351) Claude Gimenes, A. Mateescu - Electronique, physique et signal pour les telecommunications -Tehnica-1997 => 52 Lei
15352) Matei Barnea si Pascu Ursu - Pollution et protection de l atmosphere -Tehnica-1974 => 60 Lei
15353) Ciudomir . - Izbrani proizvedenia -Hristo G. Danov-1968 => 55 Lei
15354) I. Ianos, D. Pumain si J.B Racine - Integrated urban systems and sustainability of urban life -Tehnica-2000 => 53 Lei
15355) Y. Kariakine - En relisant Dostoievski -Novosti-1971 => 45 Lei
15356) Doina Iordache si Vasile Bendic - Graphique industrielle -Tehnica-1995 => 53 Lei
15357)   - The eight world energy conference (Vol.1+2+3+4+6+7+8+9+10) -Tehnica-1971 => 135 Lei
15358) Ecaterina Oproiu - In idol pentru fiecare -Meridiane-1970 => 34.5 Lei
15359) Barbara Paul - Sange si rude de sange -Nemira-1992 => 22.5 Lei
15360) Alejo Carpenter - Recursul la metoda -Univers-1977 => 39 Lei
15361) Elena Rijevskaia - Miros de migdale amare -Meridiane-1978 => 39.5 Lei
15362) Serban Cretu - Copilul sanatos si bolnav (Vol.1+2+3) -Scrisul Romanesc-1976 => 108.5 Lei
15363) xxx  - Poezia germana moderna - de la Stefan George la Enzensberger (Vol.1+2) -Pentru Literatura Universala-1967 => 73.5 Lei
15364) Mihail Sadoveanu - Tara mea -Militara-1982 => 41.5 Lei
15365) G. Oprescu - Manual de istoria artei (Vol.4) - Secolul al XVIII-lea -Meridiane-1985 => 29.5 Lei
15366) Giorgio de Chirico - Memorii -Meridiane-1976 => 62.5 Lei
15367) Felix Timmermans - Viata pasionata a lui Adriaen Brouwer -Meridiane-1976 => 29.5 Lei
15368) Herbert Genzmer - DALI si GALA -Paralela 45-2003 => 10.5 Lei
15369) Alexandru Lupu - Penetrarea -Rentrop Straton-1998 => 24.5 Lei
15370) Eusebiu Camilar - Farmecul Departarilor -Tineretului-1965 => 34.5 Lei
15371) Victor Laiber - Petrol Inseamna Energie -Ion Creanga-1982 => 18.5 Lei
15372) Fani Turakova - Vinzatorul de crime -Albatros-1991 => 18.5 Lei
15373) Sax Rohmer - Doctorul Fu-Manchu -Albatros-1993 => 34.5 Lei
15374) Albert Lihanov - Amagirea -Univers-1985 => 18.5 Lei
15375) Michel Mohrt - Inchisoarea de la malul marii -Univers-1985 => 13.5 Lei
15376)   - Agenda Medicala 70 -Medicala-1970 => 34.5 Lei
15377) Gregor Armand - Paulina Borghese -1 Decembrie-1991 => 14.5 Lei
15378) Arthur Conan Doyle - Enigma diademei de berile (serie 2) -Odeon-1991 => 37.5 Lei
15379) Sorin Stefanescu - Zee -Albatros-1982 => 28.5 Lei
15380) Ioan Nedelcu - HIV - AIDS - SIDA -Militara-1991 => 29.5 Lei
15381) John P. McAfee - Comando prin ploaia trista -Nemira-1994 => 34.5 Lei
15382) Viorel Stirbu - Marele Sigiliu (Vol.2) -Cartea Romaneasca-1987 => 21.5 Lei
15383) Ion Gherman - Prevenirea bolilor parazitare -Ceres-1986 => 31.5 Lei
15384) George M. Gheorghe - Dialog despre sanatatea femeii si a copilului (Vol.1+2) -Ceres-1990 => 32.5 Lei
15385) M.C. Ophtazar - O noapte pentru asasini -Porto-Franco-1992 => 34.5 Lei
15386) Mazo de la Roche - Jalna (Vol.6) -  Cariera lui wakefield -Venus-1992 => 27.5 Lei
15387) Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal - Bazarul -Univers-1987 => 14.5 Lei
15388) Carson McCullers - Balada Tristei Cafenele (anul1 - 1 Nr.3) -Coresi-1990 => 8.5 Lei
15389) stefan Zweig - Maria Stuart (Vol.1) -Eminescu-1974 => 34.5 Lei
15390) Doru Antonesi - Enigma Lui Quetzalcoatl -Raton-1990 => 6.5 Lei
15391) Al. Piru - Introducere in opera lui Vasile Alecsandri -Minerva-1978 => 18.5 Lei
15392) Octavian Goga - Poezii -Albatros-1976 => 17.5 Lei
15393) Radu Carneci - Ca muntele-n amiaza -Militara-1981 => 34.5 Lei
15394) Passionaria Stoicescu - Soare cu dinti -Albatros-1989 => 38.5 Lei
15395) Henryk Sienkiewicz - Cavalerii crucii (Vol.2) -Anaith-1991 => 36.5 Lei
15396) James Lynn - Atac General -Bogdana-2003 => 19.5 Lei
15397)   - Manualul Intreprinzatorului - Ghid pentru unitatile organizate pe baza liberei initiative -ACE-1990 => 24.5 Lei
15398) Abela Hascal si Lucretia Preotesiu,  - Corespondenta si tehnica secretariatului - manual pentru licee economice, administrative si de servicii (lucrator in administratie si servicii), clasele IX si X -Didactica si pedagogica-1994 => 59.5 Lei
15399) Chiril Tricolici - Nebunul din brent -Diamant-1992 => 39.5 Lei
15400) Saxton Burr - Evadare din infern -Z-1998 => 22.5 Lei